Why It's Necessary To Check the Mobile Version of Your Website After Updates
Most people design and make changes to websites on their desktop so they don't always realise that the change they just made to their website doesn't look right on mobile. Or it has made something else move. Or disappear altogether!
So get in the habit of always checking on mobile after you've done anything at all to your website. Let's drill down a little.
Why The Mobile Version is So Important
More people look at websites on phones than on desktop/laptop these days. With mobile devices accounting for over 60% website visits traffic, checking that your site works perfectly on smartphones is absolutely essential.
People Are Impatient
Mobile users have high expectations for speed, ease of navigation, and functionality. If your site is slow or hard to use your will get frustrated and may leave your site and never return.
Mobile-First Indexing by Search Engines
Google and other search engines now use mobile-first indexing, meaning they prioritize the mobile version of your website when determining search rankings. So if your mobile version isn't up to scratch your site’s SEO could suffer. Testing after each update will help your site maintain its search engine visibility.
Checklist of Things That Commonly Go Wrong On Mobile After You Update Your Website Update
Layout changes
Images resize
Gaps appear
Something moves further down, or up, the page
Elements disappear
Things overlap
Things look cluttered. There is far less space on a mobile screen.
Tips For Checking Your Website On Mobile After You Have Updated It
When you are making changes on your desktop version get in the habit of checking the mobile version as you go along, ideally after each small change. That way you won't forget what you have changed.
Compare the desktop version and the mobile version side by side. Scroll through them both systematically so you can see if anything goes missing.
Check Your Site's Mobile Friendliness White you're checking your mobile site take the opportunity to check it's mobile-friendliness generally. Use my mobile-friendly checklist: What to check on the mobile version of your website and why it's essential.
If you're not sure whether your site works well on mobile you might benefit from my website audit service. Let's have a chat and see if I can help.